The NBSA’s response to the Future Ready NB Gala Announcement

Fredericton, NB- This afternoon, the Minister of Post-Secondary Education, Trevor Holder, announced the Future Ready NB Gala and Workforce summit; which will be held in November of this year.

Future Ready NB (FNB) aims to have a positive impact on student Experiential Learning initiatives throughout the province. The FNB program provides access for students and employers to learning opportunities that will better prepare and align students with jobs in their chosen field. The collaborative efforts between students, employers, and the Experiential Learning Steering Committee of NB, work to remove financial barriers to employing students.

"Today's announcement shows that student issues are slowly becoming New Brunswick issues; and with a collaborative approach, the foundation for securing the readiness of the province's workforce is underway, through the Future-Ready NB program," said Kjeld-Mizpah Conyers-Steede, Executive Director of the NBSA. The NBSA has continuously advocated for Experiential Learning (EXPL), and has provided increased budget recommendations for the past six years. Paid internships and work integrated learning opportunities, which fall under the EXPL category, have shown to have a positive impact on student employment success following graduation. The NBSA commends the core role FNB exhibits in the process of connecting NB students with meaningful employment opportunities.

"Launching an event that gives recognition to all of the hard work that has been put into the Experiential Learning Program by people and committees across the province is a great initiative, " said Ailish MacKenzie-Foley, Board Director of the NBSA. "Being able to see FutureReady NB partners come together at the Workforce Summit and Gala to celebrate their successes, is something I am very much looking forward to."

The announced FNB Gala will be a celebration of New Brunswick and our students. The NBSA applauds the Government of New Brunswick's commitment to EXPL and their awareness of the crucial role that students play in shaping the future of the province.


Students seek public support for NBSA’s “Don't Cut Our Future” Campaign
